The results on this page are generated directly from the database.
We also have a txt list sorted by Name,
Date or
Title ID and an
RSS Feed which are automatically updated within 5 minutes of a change.
Game Name | Region | Verified | XEX CRC | Media ID | Title ID | Wave | Uploader | ||
2661 | UEFA Euro 2008 | PAL | 2024-01-18 | DE561CF9 | 7741796B | 4541083F (EA-2111) | 2nd | Bigmanjapan | 1 |
1 result generated in 0.065045 seconds (max 1000000 results)
1 verified SS/DMI combo found for this XEX:
SS Version | SS CRC | DMI CRC | PFI CRC | INI File |
1 | 01F9EDD6 | 02006779 | A4CFB59C | 01F9EDD6DE561CF9.ini |
How to Manually patch SSv2 files
Note: An SSv2 CRC listed here may be the same as an SSv1 CRC in your ISO, this is because the SS CRC is not a full CRC of the file (that would be the RawSS CRC).
You still need to download and patch one of the SSv2 SS/DMI combos listed here (if available) if you want your SSv1 ISO to have SSv2.